Wednesday, January 31, 2007

When Inspiration Fades...

Sometimes we work really hard at something. We pray, ask God's guidance, and do our best. But still, failure and disappointment comes.

Monday, the title of a poem kept coming to my mind, "I Know Why the Caged Bird SIngs" by Mayou Angelo (I"d never read it before). Monday evening, I received an email from a friend who was really struggling. Things are really tough for her right now. And I told her how I asked God, as "I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings" kept coming to mind, what He wanted me to understand from this. I think, it's that even when things are tough, even when things outside our control cause us to struggle, we are to seek God. To find His joy in our heart.

Then, I clicked across this song on youtube by 'accident' ... "Praise You in the Storm" by Casting Crowns; I hear it often on the radio, but this week, it has particular meaning to me as I have stumbled across my own rock of disappointment. Something I've worked very hard at, has hit a bad snag causing me to miss an important deadline. I don't know how it will turn out, but I know God does. So, I seek Him.

Click here to hear this great song

I like the way the person who created this video closes it:
"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." John 16:33

God loves us very much and is as close to us as our next heartbeat. Cling to Him when the storms come. And praise Him when they pass! Because they always do!

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

One Who Inspires

Some people become discouraged with setbacks. It's a common malady. We have a choice to stay in the mucky pit, or climb out, face our adversity, and persevere. I am always inspired by those who persevere. I am exceptionally inspired by those who persevere with what most would describe as a disability. Click here to be inspired by one young man with talent of epic proportions

Monday, January 29, 2007

Akiane: An Inspiring Young Girl

My friend, Moggy, who is a talented artist and the creator of My Life is a Cartoon sent me a link for Akiane.

Akiane is an amazingly talented young girl with a life obviously touched and blessed by God.She was born to an atheistic, stay-at-home Lithuanian homemaker mother, and an American father, chef, and dietary manager in 1994. She speaks four languages: Lithuanian, Russian, English, and Sign Language. She began drawing at the age of 4, painting at the age of 6. At 4, she had a life-changing spiritual transformation, bringing the family to God. The inspiration for her art and literature comes from her visions, dreams, observations of people, nature, and God. She wants people to find hope in her paintings and for them to be her gift to God. She describes herself as having a daring heart and a cautious mind. Her biggest wish is that "everyone would love God and one another."

Click here to see some of Akiane's beautiful and amazing art

Click here to see the heart of her poetry

Akiane's life goal is to share her love for God and people around the world. If you are inspired by this young girl, share her story and art with others who may be equally inspired by her.

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Argentine Tango

After dinner last nite, Dave and I decided to try an independent coffee house...we went for their live music. We had a pleasant surprise in that the last Friday of the month is actually Argentine Tango. There is this cool room there, with comfy couches, pretty photos, richly painted walls, a beautiful ornate double door, and lots of candles. A room rich with ambience.

The dancing was beautiful, as was the music. The thing I found so inspiring was the people. It was a true international mix. Everyone was very friendly. I met Sita from India--the Argentine Tango is in her soul. And Jesus from Puerto Rico; his eyes lit up when he spoke of dancing in PR. We met a couple of dance instructors from Iran. Hassan, an Al Pacino double, is Sita's instructor. And Nasrin, spoke of the feminine beauty of the dance. Another married couple there are also instructors; George is from Argentine, his wife Jairelbhi is from Venezuela.

It was a delightful evening of exotic hot tea and beautiful tango...even the candle flames seemed to dance in harmony with the music and dancers.

Friday, January 26, 2007

A Great Date!

Maggie's had a boyfriend for several years. His name is Charger and he is from Maryland. He 'bawks' like a good Yankee dog. Well, actually, since he is a Jack Russell Terrier, it's more of a white-knuckle, ear-piercing shriek. He likes to chase squirrels, bark at squirrels, and eat liver treats.

Recently, Charger and his People came over for a visit. It was a great date. He brought her a gift. They ate treats. And chased each other around the house. This one of my favorite photos of them. They are looking at Maggie's bag of dog food in the pantry. They are adorable together!

What are some of your fond memories of great dates?

Thursday, January 25, 2007


What a desolate place would be a world without a flower! It would be a face without a smile, a feast without a welcome. Are not flowers the stars of the earth, and are not our stars the flowers of heaven?
~Mrs. Clara Lucas Balfour

I really enjoy flowers indoors. Dave surprised me this weekend with tulips. All week, I've enjoyed watching them slowly open in bloom. It is a pretty, sunny day today and I took them outdoors to sunbathe (the flowers, not me). I thought I'd share their beauty with you, too!

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Eternal Hope

Maybe you've heard or read it before, "Everything I Need to Know, I Learned from my Dog" ...

For example,

- Run, romp, and play daily.
- On warm days, stop to lie on your back in the grass.
- Delight in the simple joy of a long walk.
- Be loyal. Always.
- If what you want lies buried, dig until you find it.
- When someone you love is having a bad day, be silent, sit close by, and nuzzle them gently.

My Maggie has taught me this and more. She adds humor to my life. One of the things that amazes me about her is her 'eternal hope.' She is a beagle. And beagles think about eating. All the time. And she is ever hopeful that somehow, food has materialized in her bowl. She'll be asleep in the bedroom, lying in a stream of sunshine. The first thing she does upon awakening is to go to the kitchen and check her bowl to see if there is any food there. She goes out to potty, comes in, and goes straight to her bowl to see if there is any food (see photo below). She'll sit and look out our front window watching people in the park. And suddenly, a thought passes through her mind, "Hey, I wonder if there's any food in my bowl. I haven't heard Mom go to the kitchen, but maybe...?" and off she goes to check. She never finds in food in her bowl. She scarfs it all down in under 17 seconds at mealtime. And licks her plate clean. There is nothing left. She is 14 years old. Not once has there ever been food in her bowl. But she never gives up hope. Because, just maybe, this is the time she'll find her beloved treasure of food morsel.

I think God wants us to have that kind of hope. The kind that never wavers. A hope that is eternal. Always believing the best is yet to be. And that just maybe, today we'll find that for which we hope.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Xol for the Soul

Yesterday, it was a sunny 45degree day. Since the weather has been so bad, that was my cue to get out and enjoy the day. I went to the Arboretum. The workers were all getting ready for the Spring Dallas Blooms, planting lots of bulbs. Even when so much of nature is dormant, there is just something wonderful, a renewal, of being outdoors for a long walk. There were only a handful of people in the entire park. So, for more than 2 hours, I walked, soaked in the sun, watched nature, listened to the birds sing and the leaves rustling around me.

Neither the birds, nor the squirrels seemed afraid of me. Almost as if they welcomed me to their little place of Heaven.

It was a day of pure tranquility!

Friday, January 19, 2007

Perils of Overload

This past decade, I got caught up in my career. Very demanding and long hours. A lot of travel. And more long hours on the road. I loved my work, but the pace was so fast and the stress to deliver, very high. My personal world was lacking as I had no time for me.

My health started declining. I saw one of my doctors yesterday for a follow-up appt. He told me I look like a completely different person from the last time he saw me. He said I have 'life' in my face again. Eight months ago, my request for a reassignment and relocation resulted in my job ending. My dr. likened the situation to the proverbial frog in the water. Put a frog in cold water, and slowly turn up the heat and he never jumps out because he acclimates to the temperature and eventually dies. Sometimes, when we're in the midst of the pressure cooker, we think we have no other options. How do we stop?! Will we be able to keep our house if we change jobs? Will we get another job? Will we survive? We're too stressed out, and too tired, to think clearly. So, we shrug off thinking about it and keep chasing the train speeding away from us.

I think we all need to stop occasionally and take an inventory of our life. How is our health? Do we have time for the priorities in our life? Do we spend time with God? Get adequate rest and exercise. Are we eating to nourish our body? Or just grabbing junk food to temporarily numb the hunger? From my circumstances, I learned that I need to pay attention to the message, and stop second guessing myself or what God is showing me. Step forward in faith and confidence. And make a change for the better!

And for fun, you can see what I would have looked like in a couple more months, had the insanity not stopped!
Click here!


Thursday, January 18, 2007


Along with about 1800 people from my church, we are studying the NT in a daily study called The Journey (see link to the right). Each study follows a chapter, has a key verse, and a central truth. Today's study is Matthew 14. The key verse is: But Jesus immediately said to them: "Take courage! It is I. Don't be afraid.” (Matthew 14:27)

Each day's study includes a personal devotional written by a member of my church along with discussion questions. I like the questions offered today, because I think if taken to God in prayer, He'll show us the fears tucked away in our heart, replacing them with His truth. And peace, His peace, that passes all understanding, regardless of our circumstances.


1. Identify the areas in your life where you lack faith. Read through Matthew 14 and ask God to help you understand the kind of faith He wants you to have.

2. List what you are fearful of. Exchange each fear with a truth from God's word. Practice replacing faith for fear throughout your day.

3. What storm are you facing today? Pray to keep your eyes focused on Him, not your storm. List any positives that have already occurred. Share your storm with a trusted friend or family member.

4. Memorize Matthew 14:27.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Desperate Measures

We do not often get snow in Texas. Sometimes sleet, or something they now call frozen rain, but not often snow. The weather lately has really been creating havoc for everyone. Businesses, churches, schools announce they will be open for the day, then close 2 hours later. The news reporting weather and road conditions runs from 5am until 12:30pm. But you just have to love the childlike imagination of some!

This morning, one of the on-site reporters built a true, bona-fide snowman. From real snow. It was about 2 inches in height, the snowman, not the amount of snowfall.

I live across the street from a park and I saw this little guy. A boy about 10 years old was doing everything in his power to lug a large plastic tub from the park. It was a very laborious effort. I had to laugh, it probably seemed like a great idea initially. Go across the street to the park. Load up as much snow as he could gather in his tub. Then carry it back to his house to build a snowman. He probably didn't bargain for how heavy it would become. He lugged and pulled. Stopped and rested. Lugged and pulled some more. Finally, in exhaustion, he beckoned two of his little friends to come help. They ran over and one promptly beaned the tired little guy with a snowball. Then, the other kid sat on his tub of snow. Finally, the three of them were able to lug it to the yard of destiny. The desperate measures of enjoying the rarity of snow! I can't wait to see their craftsmanship.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

To Be Used...

Last year, I asked God to increase my territory--my ability to use my talents, gifts, and passions to serve Him better. To make my life here make more of an eternal impact. I'd finally gotten around to reading the book, "The Prayer of Jabez." And I realized I could ask God to use me more. I know, it should have been obvious, but it wasn't. Funny thing, it seemed some of the areas I was serving in were right. But things outside my control began to change. At this point, the enemy would have me discouraged. But God is showing me that He is indeed increasing my territory. He has given me the opportunity to make an international reach, as well as an opportunity to serve in my county. I am very excited about this!

How about you? What areas are you getting involved in that are making a difference? What is your desire? I'd love to hear what you are doing.

Enjoy the beautiful inspiration of Jeremy Camp's song My Desire

Monday, January 15, 2007

A Destiny Beyond Your Dreams

"The steep hill you've been climbing for such a long time may be the ramp to a destiny beyond your dreams."
Chuck Swindoll

It's true, sometimes the challenges in our lives are so very difficult. They can impact us spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically. They seem to have no end in sight, and can affect our hope if we're not careful. But I think when we keep the faith, trusting even when we can't see very far ahead, it's quite possible that the long, difficult journey is taking us to a place more wonderful and beautiful than we can even dream of. Hold on to hope!

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Ice Ice Baby...

My gardenia plants are decked out in chic black plastic for warmth. Maggie is wearing two sweaters. One when she needs to go outside for potty in which she gets wet from the sleet. And another one to warm her when she comes back inside. We lit a fire today. Ate delicious beefy veggie stew. I'm not inclined to venture outdoors for any reason. And I'm wearing multiple layers indoors with the heat on and a fire in the fireplace.

It's too cold. Not fond of the ice. But a slower pace is nice in which to read more, talk to friends, and spend time with God. The occasional hot toddy is nice too!

Stay warm and safe!

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Healthy Habits

I like Dr. Oz and Dr. Roizen. They present insightful information in easy to understand language to help us all feel better, look younger, and improve our overall health.

In their book, "You: The Owner's Manual" they illustrate "6 Foods to Keep Your Mind Young." Their rule of thumb is 'what is harmful to your heart, is also harmful to your brain. "Saturated fats clog arteries that lead to our brain. Good fats (omega-3 fatty acids) keep arteries clear; they also alter the neurotransmitters which reduce depression."

Surprise...real chocolate, daily, is actually good for us!
Click here for more great information!

It's been said 21 days of anything makes a habit! Here's to developing healthy habits for a better life!

Monday, January 08, 2007

What Now Lord?

Sunday, December 31, a guest professor from a local seminary and member of our church spoke about serving God with our lives. He said we are generally in one of three phases depending upon the request: "Who me?!" "How me?" or "Yes me!"

Often, when God nudges us to get out of our comfort zone and serve others, defend a cause, or share Christ, we think "Who me?" But God equips us and the Holy Spirit empowers us to do the work of God. "How me?" is when we're willing but unsure of the first step. "Yes me!" is when we're willing to serve, no matter what the cost.

I find that saying "Yes" is sometimes hard, but always rewarding. Sometimes it is freeing. Sometimes unconventional in the way we think things should be. The book, "The Purpose Driven Life" reminded us that God created us uniquely to serve Him...He gave each of us talents, skills, passions, and gifts to allow us to accomplish His will for our lives. Knowing that He created me for a unique purpose is inspiring to me. So, as we begin a new year, it's okay to ask "What now, Lord?" as we seek His wisdom in the plans He has for our lives.

Saturday, January 06, 2007


I remember a song David Bowie sang in the 70's.

(Turn and face the strain)
Don't want to be a richer man
(Turn and face the strain)
Just gonna have to be a different man
Time may change me
But I can't trace time

I always liked the line, "Time may change me, but I can't trace time." I think that is true. In Time, we can change. Disappointments can defeat us. Broken relationships can crush our spirit. Losses can cripple us. Moment by moment, a little bit of who we are chips away. And then one day we don't recognize the face in the mirror.

But, I find that as I walk with Jesus, sharing my day with Him, I'm more inclined to experience His love and comfort when I experience the blows. And rather than becoming defeated or crippled, I get a chance to know God more intimately as He works in my life and heart, changing me in a better way.

Change is definitely inevitable! And it will not always be positive change. But I find that change has a way of helping us grow and helping me draw closer to God.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

A Favorable Resolution

Resolutions have taken on an unfavorable reputation. They seem doomed to fail; in fact, some say their only resolution is to make "no resolution." But God desires us to be on a continual journey to become more Christ-focused and to live a life of testimony in Christ. So perhaps 2007 will be a year that the resolutions made will actually begin a God-desired change.

This has been my thinking as I begin a new year. Instead of a negative approach to 'resolutions' I've thought about changes needed and asked God to show me things He'd like me to work on. And because He desires me to continue to grow in Him, and He has provided me with the Holy Spirit, I think I can confidently approach my areas of change with a spirit of anticipated success. God's love does transform everything...thankfully, that includes me!

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

The Heart of One in Iraq

A friend from high school was shipped to Iraq last Fall; he is a medic there. He sent this message, in quotations, Christmas Day...

"Hey everyone! Howdy and MERRY CHRISTMAS from Baqoubah, Forward Operations Base WARHORSE!!

FOB WARHORSE has been relatively calm today. Last night we had a Christmas cantata and worship service. I really missed my kids. Our oldest girl is 6 (already!) and quite the singer. She played an angel in a Christmas cantata at the little church we attend in Texas. My wife regularly sends mail and I'm amazed at how much both of the kids can write.. and draw! I think the girls inherited a little of dad's art/doodling gene along with a slight unibrow (but that's what tweezers are for) I called my wife. She is in Long Island with my inlaws. One daughter was already crawled up in bed with mommy.

I miss them so. We've had a few kids brought in. Gunshot wound to the head in most cases. The suspicion is the terrorists capture the family and threaten the adults: "Do as we say, tell us what we need to know etc or we will shoot this child". This is a hellish country."

.... me again: Please continue to pray for the safety of our soldiers and that God fills their hearts with His comfort as they miss the ones the love back home--and as they witness firsthand such ugliness up close. And that the people of this dark, 'hellish' country, might know the peace and love of Jesus. I remain in awe that God allowed me to live in a country founded by men who believed in Him. My freedom in America comes at the shed blood of soldiers who put on the armor of bravery and defend our country. My freedom from sin and eternal doom comes at the shed blood of Jesus my savior.