Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Desperate Measures

We do not often get snow in Texas. Sometimes sleet, or something they now call frozen rain, but not often snow. The weather lately has really been creating havoc for everyone. Businesses, churches, schools announce they will be open for the day, then close 2 hours later. The news reporting weather and road conditions runs from 5am until 12:30pm. But you just have to love the childlike imagination of some!

This morning, one of the on-site reporters built a true, bona-fide snowman. From real snow. It was about 2 inches in height, the snowman, not the amount of snowfall.

I live across the street from a park and I saw this little guy. A boy about 10 years old was doing everything in his power to lug a large plastic tub from the park. It was a very laborious effort. I had to laugh, it probably seemed like a great idea initially. Go across the street to the park. Load up as much snow as he could gather in his tub. Then carry it back to his house to build a snowman. He probably didn't bargain for how heavy it would become. He lugged and pulled. Stopped and rested. Lugged and pulled some more. Finally, in exhaustion, he beckoned two of his little friends to come help. They ran over and one promptly beaned the tired little guy with a snowball. Then, the other kid sat on his tub of snow. Finally, the three of them were able to lug it to the yard of destiny. The desperate measures of enjoying the rarity of snow! I can't wait to see their craftsmanship.


Blogger Moggy said...

And I thought I was something, because I went to the mailbox. That's the only time I went outside today.

I did step on some ice, just to make that crunch sound ;-)

8:02 PM, January 17, 2007  

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