Friday, January 19, 2007

Perils of Overload

This past decade, I got caught up in my career. Very demanding and long hours. A lot of travel. And more long hours on the road. I loved my work, but the pace was so fast and the stress to deliver, very high. My personal world was lacking as I had no time for me.

My health started declining. I saw one of my doctors yesterday for a follow-up appt. He told me I look like a completely different person from the last time he saw me. He said I have 'life' in my face again. Eight months ago, my request for a reassignment and relocation resulted in my job ending. My dr. likened the situation to the proverbial frog in the water. Put a frog in cold water, and slowly turn up the heat and he never jumps out because he acclimates to the temperature and eventually dies. Sometimes, when we're in the midst of the pressure cooker, we think we have no other options. How do we stop?! Will we be able to keep our house if we change jobs? Will we get another job? Will we survive? We're too stressed out, and too tired, to think clearly. So, we shrug off thinking about it and keep chasing the train speeding away from us.

I think we all need to stop occasionally and take an inventory of our life. How is our health? Do we have time for the priorities in our life? Do we spend time with God? Get adequate rest and exercise. Are we eating to nourish our body? Or just grabbing junk food to temporarily numb the hunger? From my circumstances, I learned that I need to pay attention to the message, and stop second guessing myself or what God is showing me. Step forward in faith and confidence. And make a change for the better!

And for fun, you can see what I would have looked like in a couple more months, had the insanity not stopped!
Click here!



Blogger Blessed said...

I admire your strength, courageous and determination.
I often wonder would I be happier some place else than where I work.
It is a stressful medical office.
I have been there for over 7 years.
I have been there thru many changes and the latest change (thankfully) was getting a new administrator. The old administrator was micro managing Atila the Hun! I don't mean to sound cruel but she really made work even more stressful than it should have been.
I was happy to see the 'burden' lifted and glad to have a fresh breath of air.
Yet, I still worry, stress, have anxiety, feel paranoid am I doing enough? Is my work good enough?
Will ever feel appreciated? Will ever feel secure?
I think about changing jobs. Staying in the same position and jumping ship. But there is stress in every job just sometimes in different shapes and forms.
NEways, I admire your ability to see the big picture and have faith.
I need more of that!!!!!! I have faith but sometimes not where I need it. I am trying!!!! I guess I have control issues.

6:35 PM, January 21, 2007  
Blogger Dial-Up Princess said...

I think its wonderful you were able to stop, for what the circumstances, and look at the bigger picture.

I often like Blessed if I would be happier somewhere else...

Happy Blogging!

3:46 PM, January 22, 2007  
Blogger Tom Bailey said...

Balance is one of life's greatest challenges. It is really great that you are willing to share so openly.

The frog analogy is one that I have heard used to discribe poor relationships.

You seem to be living a very powerful life and it is great to see when someone of faith is living powerfully. It makes for great testimony.

2:04 PM, January 24, 2007  

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