Monday, December 03, 2007

Happy Birthday Maggie!

Today's Maggie Mae's birthday! What a great little dog she has been these past 15 years. We've been through so much together. She kept me from stepping on 4 water moccasins (4 separate occasions) that found their way onto our patio when we lived on the lake, has given her opinion on more than one guy I dated, she's provided an endless source of entertainment. She developed epilepsy at 4.5 years, had a ruptured neck disc at 6, at 13 developed a thyroid condition, and at 14 began kidney failure. Through it all, she remains a faithful, loving companion.

Happy Birthday Maggie Mae!

Not so happy knowing she's not attending the concert with us. She really likes being with her people and misses us when we leave her.

Maggie and Charger on a date, Christmas 2006; they share a love of good food!

Maggie has loved flowers since she was a puppy; maybe it's the Beagle, hound-dog thing, but she will stick her nose in the flower and smell them. She's a proponent of the "stop and smell the roses" lifestyle!

Maggie has always had furniture privileges, but what has always made me laugh is how she likes to sleep on pillows on the furniture. That makes her seem a wee bit "high maintenance" don't you think?

Since she was a puppy, Maggie has always enjoyed watching TV.

She loves opening presents!

Our apartment complex in 2001 had an annual Halloween party for our pets; I don't generally celebrate Halloween any more, but this was more of a pet-owner thing to get together and laugh at the frenzied, party-clad pets! Maggie has always been such a great sport!

For more posts on Maggie, see:
Casual Friday
Blooming Beauty

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Maggie Mae!! And a little belated one to your owner! Wish I could be there to "smile" at ya.

Love, El Fango

5:42 PM, December 03, 2007  

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