Tuesday, December 12, 2006


"Meaningless! Meaningless! Utterly meaningless! Everything is meaningless."

Sounds like the ramblings of a despondent and hopeless person. Yet these are the words of one of the wisest men recorded in the Bible...Solomon, son of King David. In Ecclesiastes, Solomon says everything is meaningless, pleasure, wisdom, toil, and more. I thought of his words when I read a scripture in my daily devotional today: "You are just a vapor that appears for a little while then vanishes away." (James 4:14).

Although we may live 60 years or more in this lifetime, compared to eternity, our life is just a vapor. So, why do we worry so much about things that seem so important? And work so hard to achieve things like status and wealth that we leave behind when we die? Solomon's point is that sometimes our focus is on things that are really not all that important. The things that truly matter are the ones that have everlasting value. While a nice dinner out can be fantastic, does it have everlasting value if I do nothing for my neighbor who is hungry? I believe God gives us opportunities all around us to reach out and put meaning into our life. The Christmas season is an especially important time to think of others, but I think God would like us to reach out to others throughout the year as well. Solomon's message, "Everything-apart from God-is meaningless" is a timely reminder this Christmas season to remember to slow down and focus. Everything doesn't have to be perfect for it to be a special season. Enjoy the meaning of life, and celebrate the life of Jesus. Expressing faith through our love for others.


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