Tuesday, November 14, 2006

In Jesus Name

When we go to God in prayer, we say "…in Jesus name." Scripture teaches that the only way to the Father is through His son Jesus Christ. When we place our faith in Him, it gives us the undeniable right to boldly enter God's throne room and lay our requests, our pleadings, our hopes before Him with the expectation that He will hear and answer us. (John 14:6, 13 and John 16:23-24).

So, when did it become so acceptable to substitute "Him" for "Jesus?" It's really beginning to bug me. More and more, I'm hearing and seeing this casual reference substituting a pronoun for the name of our Lord and Savior. I saw a Christian promotion recently where the event title is: "United for His Love..." why couldn't the event be called "United for Christ's Love?" It's not so much the 'casual' reference "Him" implies that concerns me, it seems well-meaning Christians don't realize the watered-down message they convey when they don't use Jesus' name. It's one thing to talk about your faith among believers, another to speak of it where the name "Jesus" is not as popular. Is that it? I don't know. It just really bugs me how impersonable and disrespectful it all sounds--kind of like a lack of ownership on our part. Knowing Jesus is life-changing; there is power and access in calling on the name of Christ.


Blogger Moggy said...

I've never really thought about it that way, but it makes sense.

10:02 PM, November 14, 2006  

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